quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2021

Rewilding: conservacionistas querem deixar elefantes soltos na Europa - eis o que pode acontecer

Imagine dirigir por uma paisagem verdejante na França ou Alemanha e avistar uma manada de elefantes vagando livremente. Por mais absurdo que possa parecer, foi há apenas 10.000 anos que criaturas do tamanho de elefantes povoaram continentes como a Europa. Isso é uma falha em termos evolutivos.

Nos últimos 10.000 a 60.000 anos, os humanos eliminaram quase que sozinhos cerca de 80% das espécies herbívoras do mundo que pesam mais de uma tonelada - conhecidas como “ megaherbívoros ”. O último mamute vivo, por exemplo, vagava pela ilha Wrangel, na costa da Sibéria, há 3.700 anos .

Essa perda massiva de megaherbívoros em um período relativamente curto teve efeitos na vegetação que ainda podemos ver hoje , como promover diferentes tipos e tamanhos de plantas. Ao comer árvores, arbustos, gramíneas e ervas - como elefantes e girafas na África - esses gigantes desempenham um papel crucial na manutenção de uma paisagem diversificada e saudável, com um equilíbrio entre florestas e pastagens.

Por exemplo, os elefantes derrubam árvores, dando mais espaço para o crescimento da grama e ajudando os ecossistemas da savana a florescer. Eles também são essenciais para dispersar sementes em paisagens e ajudar a reciclar nutrientes no solo.

Elefantes caminhando à beira de um lago

Os elefantes podem ajudar a reequilibrar os ecossistemas na Europa. Cocoparisienne / Pixabay

Para restaurar o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas danificados por fatores que incluem a perda de criaturas maiores, alguns propuseram trazer de volta espécies perdidas - que poderiam incluir megaherbívoros. Isso já está sendo promovido na África por organizações como Space for Giants e African Parks . O problema é que sabemos muito pouco sobre como a reintrodução desses gigantes poderia afetar espécies menores, algumas das quais estão em vias de extinção.

Em um estudo publicado no Journal of Animal Ecology , lançamos luz sobre as consequências da reintrodução dessas espécies em ecossistemas que as perderam, observando como elas afetam a vida em uma savana queniana.

Nosso estudo

Ao excluir elefantes e girafas de uma área na savana usando cercas elétricas, estudamos como outros animais da área reagiriam à sua ausência. Nossos métodos eram simples, mas fedorentos: ao longo de 12 anos, contamos as pilhas de esterco de 12 espécies de herbívoros menores, como impalas, zebras, gazelas e búfalos. Isso nos permitiu avaliar se esses animais preferiam sair em áreas com ou sem elefantes e girafas.

Uma ilustração de um elefante

Os hábitos de pastagem dos elefantes podem mudar drasticamente as paisagens. Taki Wells

Descobrimos que a maioria dos animais, principalmente os menores, preferia as zonas livres de elefantes e girafas. Na verdade, as zebras foram os únicos animais que preferiram as áreas com esses megaherbívoros, talvez devido à preferência das zebras por grandes espaços abertos com menos árvores e mais grama (nem elefantes nem girafas comem muita grama).

Nossos resultados sugerem que restaurar populações de megaherbívoros reduzirá os habitats preferidos por herbívoros menores. É particularmente importante considerar isso em áreas onde espécies menores já estão ameaçadas de extinção. Mas isso não significa que devemos desconsiderar o valor da reintrodução de megaherbívoros como um todo.

Próximos passos

Na Dinamarca, os pesquisadores propuseram a introdução de elefantes asiáticos em um local perto de Copenhague. Eles são os parentes vivos mais próximos dos mamutes, que ainda não conseguimos ressuscitar . Da mesma forma, já existem mais de 100 elefantes asiáticos em cativeiro nos Estados Unidos, que poderiam circular livremente em recintos maiores.

Planos como esses aumentariam o habitat e a população de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Eles também forneceriam oportunidades valiosas para observar os impactos dos megaherbívoros em plantas e animais nativos antes que liberações em larga escala sejam consideradas, enquanto melhoram o bem-estar dos elefantes em cativeiro.

Um modelo de um mamute peludo

Mamutes costumavam povoar grandes áreas da Europa. Quinet / Flickr

Outro exemplo pode ser encontrado na Austrália, onde pesquisadores sugeriram que a introdução de elefantes e rinocerontes selvagens poderia ajudar a controlar os incêndios florestais. Ao comer muitas plantas que, quando secas, alimentam fogos mais frequentes e mais quentes, os grandes animais podem imitar o papel ecológico de espécies como o extinto wombat de 1,5 tonelada .

No entanto, até que tais experimentos realmente ocorram na Europa, América do Norte ou Austrália, devemos confiar no que se sabe sobre espécies semelhantes em outros ecossistemas para ter uma ideia do que esperar.

É importante ressaltar que, assim como elefantes e girafas reduzem a densidade de árvores que aumentaram em sua ausência, seus efeitos sobre outros herbívoros são provavelmente um sinal de que o ecossistema e o suprimento de alimentos estão voltando a seus estados mais naturais e saudáveis. Isso não deve ser um problema, desde que garantamos, por meio de planejamento e monitoramento cuidadosos, que outras espécies de plantas e animais não estão sendo ameaçadas de extinção devido a intervenções de reflorestamento.

Quer introduzamos substitutos ecológicos para gigantes extintos ou devolvamos os megaherbívoros existentes a seus antigos berços, os impactos ecológicos potenciais da reintrodução de criaturas tão grandes em plantas e animais nativos não devem ser negligenciados à medida que aumentamos os esforços de reflorestamento globalmente.


Cooper Spirits Co. lança café lento e baixo à moda antiga

Cooper Spirits Co. anunciou o lançamento de seu Slow & Low Coffee Old-Fashioned, a primeira expansão de sua icónica marca Slow & Low.

A nova expressão de Outono é inspirada no Café Brûlot, a clássica bebida de café de Nova Orleans, e é produzida em parceria com a Café Intelligentsia, um pioneiro do café especial, e é o primeiro coquetel de café engarrafado que usa café genuíno e habilmente preparado.

Cooper Spirits Co. lança café lento e baixo à moda antiga

Baixo e lento

“Slow & Low é mais do que um coquetel engarrafado, é um estilo de vida, uma mentalidade completa que celebra o espírito livre, a vontade de ultrapassar os limites e criar novas descobertas”, disse Cooper Spirits Co., Director de Defesa Comercial e Inovação, Chad Solomon.

“Esse ethos é o que nos levou a fazer parceria com a Intelligentsia, um player icónico na indústria do café. Ficamos entusiasmados em colaborar com eles, inovando assim tanto na cultura do café quanto no Slow & Low para dar vida a uma nova versão do clássico coquetel de café, Café Brûlot. ”

Slow & Low Coffee Old-Fashioned contém uma mistura de whisky de centeio puro envelhecido dois anos, Intelligentsia Cold Coffee feito de uma mistura de cafés da Etiópia, Guatemala e Peru e mel cru, açúcar de cana demerara, bitters aromáticos e casca de laranja.

“Para criar um coquetel de café verdadeiramente autêntico, o Slow & Low passou muito tempo aprendendo sobre como pensamos sobre o café, como o abordamos, quais são nossos valores sensoriais e como abordamos outros projectos”, disse Intelligentsia Gerente de Inovação em Café, Bailey Manson.

“Passamos muito tempo formulando e seleccionando o café perfeito para esta colaboração, pois não queríamos que tivesse gosto de café torrado genérico.”

Slow & Low Coffee Old-Fashioned é engarrafado com 40% ABV e tem um SRP de $ 26,99 por garrafa de 750ml.


Ref. 1972 Rolex Submariner 5513  Preço regular $17.500

Ref. 1972 Rolex Submariner  5513

Não há nada melhor do que um Rolex Submariner lindamente envelhecido.


Introduzido no catálogo da Rolex em 1962, o ref. O 5513 Submariner permaneceu em produção contínua até 1989, o que o torna um dos Submariners mais reconhecidos aos olhos dos colecionadores vintage, bem como uma das referências mais antigas da Rolex na história da marca. Esta referência em particular é freqüentemente duplicada ou tomada como inspiração para outros relógios de mergulho; a ref. O 5513 Submariner é tão icônico que seu formato básico e design do mostrador se tornaram necessários para o gênero de relógios de mergulho como um todo. Produzido inicialmente com mostrador brilhante ou "dourado", o ref. O 5513 mudou para um acabamento de mostrador fosco no final dos anos 1960, por volta de 1966. Durante os anos de mostrador fosco é quando o modelo realmente decolou e se tornou o que é hoje, tornando esta iteração ainda mais icônica.

O Submariner ref. 5513 que temos aqui está marcando muitas caixas para nós. O mostrador preto fosco é muito limpo, com pátina suficiente nos marcadores de horas e ponteiros para dar um toque de apelo vintage no pulso. Em termos de detalhes vintage, nenhum sinaliza tão bem quanto uma moldura fantasma  desbotada em um Submariner. Especialmente em um mostrador fosco, tons de cinza desbotados na inserção da moldura realmente levam um Submariner para o próximo nível. Nosso relógio está completo com um rebite Oyster Rolex USA que tem o peso certo para ser perfeitamente confortável no pulso. Um novo cristal de substituição TrueDome foi instalado no relógio, destacando o excelente estado e a pátina no mostrador.


Relógios, que gosto

Referência do cronógrafo "digital" do co-piloto Breitling dos anos 1950 765 AVI

$ 17.90

1980s Patek Philippe Calatrava Ref. 3919 Comercializado por Tiffany & Co.

$ 13.000

Década de 1970 Heuer Autavia 'Viceroy' Ref. 1163V

$ 4.900

Tanque Cartier 'Jumbo' Automatique dos anos 1970

$ 17.500

Protegendo a biodiversidade

A outra emergência ambiental

A tecnologia tem um papel crescente a desempenhar no monitoramento, modelagem e protecção de ecossistemas, escreve Catherine Brahic

Uma sociedade depende de ecossistemas saudáveis. As pessoas consomem seus produtos na forma de peixe, carne, safras, madeira e fibras como algodão e seda. Os medicamentos podem ser colhidos directamente do mundo natural ou inspirados por moléculas e mecanismos encontrados nele. Os ecossistemas dos quais as plantações dependem são regulados por seres vivos. Por meio da fotossíntese, as árvores e outras plantas absorvem carbono e bombeiam oxigénio. Ao fazer isso, eles removem cerca de 11 bilhões de toneladas de dióxido de carbono da atmosfera a cada ano, o equivalente a 27% do que a indústria humana e a agricultura emitem (os oceanos absorvem mais 10 bilhões de toneladas).

Os serviços que os ecossistemas fornecem à humanidade dependem, por sua vez, da existência de uma diversidade de seres vivos. Mais de 75% dos tipos globais de culturas alimentares, incluindo café, cacau e amêndoas, são polinizadas por animais. A complexa teia que sustenta cada cadeia alimentar e ecossistema significa que a estreita gama de espécies que os humanos comem e exploram não pode ser sustentada sem a existência de uma diversidade muito maior de animais, plantas e bactérias…


Alimentar 9 bilhões de pessoas significará ré-imaginar o mundo comestível

É provável que haja mais insectos no menu.

Já tarde, muito tarde Cutty Sark e hadoque frito num bar com vista para o mar em Portland, Maine, Steve Train está fazendo o que tantos homens-lagosta fazem na costa: contando histórias. O Sr. Train é homem-lagosta há 45 anos; ele saiu pela primeira vez quando tinha 11 anos.

Uma história é sobre ouriços-do-mar. Durante anos, quando ele e outros homens-lagosta encontraram ouriços-do-mar nas suas armadilhas para lagostas, eles os esmagaram sob os pés: os ouriços-do-mar eram um estorvo. Isso foi antes de os compradores japoneses perceberem que o ouriço das águas frias do Maine produzia algumas das melhores unidades do planeta. Descobriu-se que havia valor em algo há muito esquecido…


As fazendas verticais estão cultivando cada vez mais vegetais nas áreas urbanas.

Eles não precisam de solo ou luz solar

O melhor manjericão do mundo é cultivado numa pequena vila na costa da Ligúria, a oeste de Génova. Colhido no auge da maturação, após o número certo de dias de sol e noites temperadas, o delicado manjericão é perfeito no pesto, pelo qual a Ligúria é merecidamente famosa.

Infelizmente, muito mais pessoas usam manjericão fresco do que vivem a uma curta distância de Génova. E mesmo na costa da Ligúria, a natureza nem sempre oferece um clima perfeito. Mas uma boa aproximação - crocante e reconhecidamente apimentado com as notas de anis certas, talvez não muito vibrante o suficiente para fazer um chef genovês dar cambalhotas, mas melhor do que o material mole em saquinhos de plástico vendidos em supermercados - pode ser encontrada em alguns contêineres na parte de trás de um estacionamento no norte do Brooklyn, na mesma quadra de uma sinagoga e na esquina de um posto de gasolina…


Micróbios estão sendo usados ​​cada vez mais para fazer comida deliciosa

Um novo reino de "fermentação de precisão" acena

A fétida salinidade do presunto, a dureza cansativa da mandíbula da bresaola e a oleosidade pálida do lardo, que é gordura sólida curada, todos têm seus leques - senão, normalmente, entre aqueles que se ocupam de manter as artérias limpas. Mas a carne mais curada do mundo vem do nordeste da Tailândia. Arroz, carne de porco, alho, sal e ervas são colocados num invólucro e deixados em temperatura ambiente por alguns dias. Quando cozido, esse naem tem uma pigginess robusta. Mas é melhor comê-lo cru, com pimenta e alho.

Sua acidez que limpa os seios da face, um equilíbrio perfeito com os outros sabores fortes, é cortesia de bactérias que produzem ácido lático. É uma estratégia desenvolvida pela bactéria para evitar o crescimento de outros micróbios menos tolerantes a ácidos; ao nobilitar a competição, eles obtêm mais alimentos para si próprios - e deixam o resto em segurança para o consumo humano. Essas bactérias também atuam em ogi nigerianos , kimchi coreanos e numa série de outros alimentos, incluindo o pão de massa azeda....


A carne não requer mais o abate de animais.

Você pode cultivá-lo em um laboratório

O princípio geral do jantar num restaurante é este: se você olhar para a cozinha e ver pelo menos um chef empunhando uma pinça, prepare-se para uma carteira notavelmente mais leve. Isso não é porque a pinça vai colocar algo particularmente caro no seu prato (apesar dos flocos ocasionais de folha de ouro), mas porque elas significam que você está comendo num restaurante tão dedicado a cada detalhe de sua experiência gastronómica que vale a pena as pessoas pairarem sobre seu prato distribuindo cuidadosamente pequenas pétalas de flores insípidas ou ramos de folhagem. Eles significam luxo e custos de luxo.

Na cozinha de teste bem equipada da Upside Foods, num parque comercial comum em Berkeley, Califórnia, Morgan Reese usa uma pinça longa para colocar duas lascas de cogumelo esfarrapadas e uma única alcaparra ao lado de um pedaço de frango refogado do tamanho de uma amêndoa. Frango simples pode não parecer um luxo de ouro em flocos. Mas, como Uma Valeti, ceo da Upside , observou enquanto Reese trabalhava, há apenas “talvez mais de mil pessoas que já experimentaram [este tipo de frango] no mundo”…


As vacas não são mais essenciais para carne e leite

Você pode fazer tudo com plantas

Almocei em El Segundo, uma pequena cidade costeira no condado de Los Angeles, cerca de 130 km a oeste de onde os irmãos McDonald abriram sua primeira lanchonete em 1948. Hambúrgueres estão no cardápio hoje. Eles vêm três numa bandeja, brilhando em seus pãezinhos de brioche, cheios de alface, tomate, queijo e um molho cremoso de laranja que tem gosto de ketchup amaciado com maionese. Ao lado deles estão outros grandes sucessos dos cardápios de fast-food americano: salsichas aninhadas em longos pães de cachorro-quente com pimentões salteados e cebolas; hambúrgueres de salsicha em muffins ingleses planos; Pedaços de carne branca fritos que parecem e têm gosto de nuggets de frango.

Nada na mesa contém produtos de origem animal. Os brioches são veganos; o que parece ser carne é feito de proteína de ervilha. Tudo estava, como costuma ser o fast-food americano, delicioso depois da primeira mordida e arrependido na terceira. Embora os nuggets fossem ligeiramente mais macios do que frango, o hambúrguer carecia de funk mineral de carne e a salsicha carecia da gordura reveladora de porco, todos estavam muito longe dos saborosos discos congelados de grãos compactados e temperos, cilindros de feijão dessecado e "tendas" de mulchy que já foram os únicos hambúrgueres sem carne, salsichas e substitutos de frango do mercado….


A nova dieta do Antropoceno. A tecnologia pode ajudar a fornecer comida deliciosa, mais limpa e ecológica

Se os consumidores querem é outra questão, diz Jon Fasman

Diz-me que tipo de comida você come, e eu direi que tipo de homem você é ”, escreveu Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, uma advogada e especialista em epicure francesa, no início do século XIX. O epigrama abre “A Fisiologia do Gosto”, um daqueles trabalhos deliciosamente dilatórios e observacionais em que sua idade se destacou.

A comida que a maioria das pessoas come - especialmente nos países ricos, mas cada vez mais nos de renda baixa e média também - revela que eles são habitantes de uma economia altamente globalizada, espectacularmente rica em escolhas. Dê uma olhada nas prateleiras de um supermercado do mundo rico e você encontrará salmão da Noruega, camarão do Vietnam, manga da Índia, morangos da Turquia, carnes curadas da Itália e queijos da França. A carne, um luxo para a maioria das pessoas ao longo de grande parte da história, está disponível em tal abundância acessível que, no mundo rico, a maioria dos que não a comem regularmente se esquece dela por uma questão de escolha, não por necessidade. Grande parte é misturada com aditivos químicos que reduzem a deterioração, aumentam o sabor ou atendem a alguma outra necessidade por parte do produtor….


terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2021

COVID-19 - The Spartacus Letter.

Hello,My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.

We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack.  We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the publicfrom the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment. What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end.


•COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

•Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.

•Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater. •Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.

•The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.

•Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV-2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.

There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

•COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.•Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.

•The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables. COVID-19 Pathophysiology and Treatments: COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia. It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation and sloughing, coagulopathy, sepsis, pulmonary edema, and ARDS-like symptoms. This is a disease of the blood and blood vessels. The circulatory system. Any pneumonia that it causes is secondary to that.In severe cases, this leads to sepsis, blood clots, and multiple organ failure, including hypoxic and inflammatory damage to various vital organs, such as the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and intestines.Some of the most common laboratory findings in COVID-19 are elevated D-dimer, elevated prothrombin time, elevated C-reactive protein, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, and hyperferritinemia, essentially matching a profile of coagulopathy and immune system hyperactivation/immune cell exhaustion.COVID-19 can present as almost anything, due to the wide tropism of SARS-CoV-2 for various tissues in the body’s vital organs. While its most common initial presentation is respiratory illness and flu-like symptoms, it can present as brain inflammation, gastrointestinal disease, or even heart attack or pulmonary embolism.COVID-19 is more severe in those with specific comorbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. This is because these conditions involve endothelial dysfunction, which renders the circulatory system more susceptible to infection and injury by this particular virus. The vast majority of COVID-19 cases are mild and do not cause significant disease. In known cases, there is something known as the 80/20 rule, where 80% of cases are mild and 20% are severe or critical. However, this ratio is only correct for known cases, not all infections. The number of actual infections is much, much higher. Consequently, the mortality and morbidity rate is lower. However, COVID-19 spreads very quickly, meaning that there are a significant number of severely-ill and critically-ill patientsappearing in a short time frame.In those who have critical COVID-19-induced sepsis, hypoxia, coagulopathy, and ARDS, the most common treatments are intubation, injected corticosteroids, and blood thinners. This is not the correct treatment for COVID-19. In severe hypoxia, cellular metabolic shifts cause ATP to break down into hypoxanthine, which, upon the reintroduction of oxygen, causes xanthine oxidase to produce tons of highly damaging radicals that attack tissue. This is called ischemia-reperfusion injury, and it’s why the majority of people who go on a ventilator are dying. In the mitochondria, succinate buildup due to sepsis does the same exact thing; when oxygen is reintroduced, it makes superoxide radicals. Make no mistake,intubation will kill people who have COVID-19.The end-stage of COVID-19 is severe lipid peroxidation, where fats in the body start to “rust” due to damage by oxidative stress. This drives autoimmunity. Oxidized lipids appear as foreign objects to the immune system, which recognizes and forms antibodies against OSEs, or oxidation-specific epitopes. Also, oxidized lipids feed directly into pattern recognition receptors, triggering even more inflammation and summoning even more cells of the innate immune system that release even more destructive enzymes. This is similar to the pathophysiology of Lupus. COVID-19’s pathology is dominated by extreme oxidative stress and neutrophil respiratory burst, to the point where hemoglobin becomes incapable of carrying oxygen due to heme iron being stripped out of heme by hypochlorous acid. No amount of supplemental oxygen can oxygenate blood that chemically refuses to bind O2.The breakdown of the pathology is as follows:SARS-CoV-2 Spike binds to ACE2. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 is an enzyme that is part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or RAAS. The RAAS is a hormone control system that moderates fluid volume in the body and in the bloodstream (i.e. osmolarity) by controlling salt retention and excretion. This protein, ACE2, is ubiquitous in every part of the body that interfaces with the circulatory system, particularly in vascular endothelial cells and pericytes, brain astrocytes,  renal tubules and podocytes, pancreatic islet cells, bile duct and intestinal epithelial cells, and the seminiferous ducts of the testis, all of which SARS-CoV-2 can infect, not just the lungs.SARS-CoV-2 infects a cell as follows: SARS-CoV-2 Spike undergoes a conformational change where the S1 trimers flip up and extend, locking onto ACE2 bound to the surface of a cell. TMPRSS2, or transmembrane protease serine 2, comes along and cuts off the heads of the Spike, exposing the S2 stalk-shaped subunit inside. The remainder of the Spike undergoes a conformational change that causes it to unfold like an extension ladder, embedding itself in the cell membrane. Then, it folds back upon itself, pulling the viral membrane and the cell membrane together. The two membranes fuse, with the virus’s proteins migrating out onto the surface of the cell. The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid enters the cell, disgorging its genetic material and beginning the viral replication process, hijacking the cell’s own structures to produce more virus.SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins embedded in a cell can actually cause human cells to fuse together, forming syncytia/MGCs (multinuclear giant cells). They also have other pathogenic, harmful effects. SARS-CoV-2’s viroporins, such as its Envelope protein, act as calcium ion channels, introducing calcium into infected cells. The virus suppresses the natural interferon response, resulting in delayed inflammation. SARS-CoV-2 N protein can also directly activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. Also, it suppresses the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway. The suppression of ACE2 by binding with Spike causes a buildup of bradykinin that would otherwise be broken down by ACE2. This constant calcium influx into the cells results in (or is accompanied by) noticeable hypocalcemia, or low blood calcium, especially in people with Vitamin D deficiencies and pre-existing endothelial dysfunction. Bradykinin upregulates cAMP, cGMP, COX, and Phospholipase C activity. This results inprostaglandin release and vastly increased intracellular calcium signaling, which promotes highly aggressive ROS release and ATP depletion. NADPH oxidase releases superoxide into the extracellular space. Superoxide radicals react with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite reacts with the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor needed by endothelial nitric oxide synthase, destroying it and “uncoupling” the enzymes, causing nitric oxide synthase to synthesize more superoxide instead. This proceeds in a positive feedback loop until nitric oxide bioavailability in the circulatory system is depleted. Dissolved nitric oxide gas produced constantly by eNOS serves many important functions, but it is also antiviral against SARS-like coronaviruses, preventing the palmitoylation of the viral Spike protein and making it harder for it to bind to host receptors. The loss of NO allows the virus to begin replicating with impunity in the body. Those with endothelial dysfunction (i.e. hypertension, diabetes, obesity, old age, African-American race) have redox equilibrium issues to begin with, giving the virus an advantage.Due to the extreme cytokine release triggered by these processes, the body summons a great deal of neutrophils and monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages to the lungs. Cells of the innate immune system are the first-line defenders against pathogens. They work by engulfing invaders and trying to attack them with enzymes that produce powerful oxidants, like SOD and MPO. Superoxide dismutase takes superoxide and makes hydrogen peroxide, and myeloperoxidase takes hydrogen peroxide and chlorine ions and makes hypochlorous acid, which is many, many times more reactive than sodium hypochlorite bleach.Neutrophils have a nasty trick. They can also eject these enzymes into the extracellular space, where they will continuously spit out peroxide and bleach into the bloodstream. This is called neutrophil extracellular trap formation, or, when it becomes pathogenic and counterproductive, NETosis. In severe and critical COVID-19, there is actually rather severe NETosis.Hypochlorous acid building up in the bloodstream begins to bleach the iron out of heme and compete for O2 binding sites.  Red blood cells lose the ability to transport oxygen, causing the sufferer to turn blue in the face. Unliganded iron, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide in the bloodstream undergo the Haber-Weiss and Fenton reactions, producing extremely reactive hydroxyl radicals that violently strip electrons from surrounding fats and DNA, oxidizing them severely.This condition is not unknown to medical science. The actual name for all of this is acute sepsis.We know this is happening in COVID-19 because people who have died of the disease have noticeable ferroptosis signatures in their tissues, as well as various other oxidative stress markers such as nitrotyrosine, 4-HNE, and malondialdehyde.When you intubate someone with this condition, you are setting off a free radical bomb by supplying the cells with O2. It’s a catch-22, because we need oxygen to make Adenosine Triphosphate (that is, to live), but O2 is also the precursor of all these damaging radicals that lead to lipid peroxidation.The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsis is non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants. N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fluvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants. Indomethacin prevents iron-driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation to the tissues.

Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox biology have known or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020, Swiss scientists confirmed that COVID-19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late 2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19 causes a form of viral sepsis. They also know that sepsis can be effectively treated with antioxidants. None of this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not been acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with high PEEP settings despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an untold number of critically ill patients with medical malpractice.Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect.The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered off to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for five days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinflammatory response. It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively.In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinflammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are pre-symptomatic. They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis.  This is like using a defibrillator to shock only flatline, and then absurdly claiming that defibrillators have no medical utility whatsoever when the patients refuse to rise from the dead. The intervention is too late. These trials for antivirals show systematic, egregious selection bias. They are providing a treatment that is futile to the specific cohort they are enrolling.India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin. Ivermectin is not “horse dewormer”. Yes, it is sold in veterinary paste form as a dewormer for animals. It has also been available in pill form for humans for decades, as an antiparasitic drug.The media have disingenuously claimed that because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus. This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin, preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei. Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral.In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver,costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all.

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-worlds-first-dengue-vaccination-drive-ended-in-disaster/In mice immunized against SARS-CoV and challenged with the virus, a close relative of SARS-CoV-2, they developed immune sensitization, Th2 immunopathology, and eosinophil infiltration in their lungs: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0035421We have been told that SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines cannot be integrated into the human genome, because messenger RNA cannot be turned back into DNA. This is false. There are elements in human cells called LINE-1 retrotransposons, which can indeed integrate mRNA into a human genome by endogenous reverse transcription: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33330870/https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/08/13/mit-harvard-study-suggests-mrna-vaccine-might-permanently-alter-dna-after-all/https://home.solari.com/deep-state-tactics-101-the-covid-injection-fraud-its-not-a -vaccine/The vaccine and the virus were made by the same people. In 2014, there was a moratorium on SARS gain-of-function research that lasted until 2017: https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/documents/gain-of-function.pdfhttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/u-s -lifts-moratorium-on-funding-controversial-high-risk-virus-research/https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-researchRalph Baric is a virologist and SARS expert at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina. This is who Anthony Fauci was referring to when he insisted, before Congress, that if any gain-of-function research was being conducted, it was being conducted in North Carolina:https://sph.unc.edu/adv_profile/ralph-s-baric-phd/https://alumni.unc.edu/news/ralph-baric-on-the-front-lines-of-coronavirus-for-three-decades/Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli are colleagues and have co-written papers together: https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985/Ralph Baric mentored Shi Zhengli in his gain-of-function manipulation techniques, particularly serial passage, which results in a virus that appears as if it originated naturally. In other words, deniable bioweapons. Serial passage in humanized hACE2 mice may have produced something like SARS-CoV-2:

https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/06/29/1027290/gain-of-function-risky-bat-virus-engineering-links-america-to-wuhan/https://usrtk.org/biohazards-blog/ralph-baric-emails/https://www.paul.senate.gov/newsweek-op-ed-congress-must-pursue-answers-about-origin-covid-19https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/coronavirus-lab-escape-theory.htmlThe funding for the gain-of-function research being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology came from Peter Daszak. Peter Daszak runs an NGO called EcoHealth Alliance: https://peterdaszak.com/https://peterdaszak.com/interceptdocs.pdfhttps://theintercept.com/2021/09/09/covid-origins-gain-of-function-research/https://nationalfile.com/bombshell-fauci-kept-funding-peter-daszaks-wuhan-gain-of-function-experiments-with-7 -5 -million-after-trump-canceled-grant/EcoHealth Alliance received millions of dollars in grant money from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (that is, Anthony Fauci), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (part of the US Department of Defense), and the United States Agency for International Development. NIH/NIAID contributed a few million dollars, and DTRA and USAID each contributed tens of millions of dollars towards this research. Altogether, it was over a hundred million dollars: https://www.independentsciencenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/EcoHealth-Funding-as-of-01_10_2020-Fed.-Grants-Contracts.pdfEcoHealth Alliance subcontracted these grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a lab in China with a very questionable safety record and poorly-trained staff, so that they could conduct gain-of-function research: https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/09/22/ecohealth-alliance-darpa-toyed-with-infecting-wild-chinese-bats-with-covid-leaked-docs-allegehttps://nypost.com/2021/07/01/pentagon-gave-millions-to-ecohealth-alliance-for-wuhan-lab/https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/wuhan-lab-fauci-grants/https://www.judicialwatch.org/documents/jw-v -nih-wuhan-june-2021-00696/https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/kleelerner/files/20200414_wapo_-_state_department_cables_warned_of_safety_issues_at_wuhan_lab_studying_bat_coronaviruses_-_the_washington_post.pdf

https://www.businessinsider.com/us-officials-raised-alarms-about-safety-issues-in-wuhan-lab-report-2020-4?op=1Chinese scientists in Wuhan reported being routinely bitten and urinated on by laboratory animals: https://img-prod.tgcom24.mediaset.it/images/2020/02/16/114720192-5eb8307f-017c-4075-a697-348628da0204.pdfhttps://web.archive.org/web/20200214144447/https:/www.researchgate.net/publication/339070128_The_possible_origins_of_2019-nCoV_coronavirusIn November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210524/wuhan-lab-researchers-illnesshttps://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/556815-fauci-calls-on-china-to-release-medical-records-of-wuhan-researchersDecember 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH:https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/06/26/confidential-documents-reveal-moderna-sent-mrna-coronavirus-vaccine-candidate-to-university-researchers-weeks-before-emergence-of-covid-19/https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6935295/NIH-Moderna-Confidential-Agreements.pdfIt wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2 :   https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/01/china-releases-genetic-data-new-coronavirus-now-deadlyhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200131114748.htmModerna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours: https://www.businessinsider.com/moderna-designed-coronavirus-vaccine-in-2-days-2020-11https://globalnews.ca/news/7492076/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-technology-how-it -works/https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/12/moderna-covid-19-vaccine-design.htmlStéphane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMérieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Mérieux:

https://www.biomerieux.com/en/board-directors-biomerieux-chaired-alain-merieux-has-appointed-stephane-bancel-directeur-generalhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St%C3%A9phane_Bancelhttps://www.himss.org/global-conference/speaker-stephane-bancelAlain Mérieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab: https://www.fondation-merieux.org/en/news/alain-merieux-receives-the-prestigious-chinese-reform-friendship-award/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-wuhan-lab-core-virus-controversy.htmlhttp://english.whiov.cas.cn/ne/201712/t20171212_187624.htmlhttps://web.archive.org/web/20210921133410/http://english.whiov.cas.cn/ne/201712/t20171212_187624.htmlThe sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery: https://nerdhaspower.weebly.com/ratg13-is-fake.htmlhttps://gnews.org/192144/https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/scientific-history-of-ratg13/The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found: https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/03/26/1021263/bat-covid-coronavirus-cause-origin-wuhan/https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/how-who-is-working-to-track-down-the-animal-reservoir-of-the-sars-cov-2 -virusThe FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for “fraudulent COVID-19 cures”. The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2020/04/28/allure-medical-spa-shelby-covid-vitamin-c/3038801001/https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/macomb-county/2020/05/15/doctor-got-loan-while-peddling-phony-covid-19-cure-feds-say/5197315002/https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/math-plus-protocol/

https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FLCCC-Alliance-MATHplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdfhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31978969/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0883944119316107?via%3Dihubhttps://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/10/01/766029397/mixed-results-for-a-test-of-vitamin-c-for-sepsishttps://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2020/01/28/Ethically-and-morally-unacceptable-Reaction-to-vitamin-C-for-sepsis-trialThe FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination:https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-updates-and-press-announcements-ndma-zantac-ranitidinehttps://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2021/6/fda-studies-no-post-ingestion-ndma-from-ranitidineRanitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00810.xhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1347861319342203The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront: https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/les-labs-593764-07232020https://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/regulatory/us-senator-npa-press-fda-nac-supplementshttps://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2021/05/11/CRN-This-is-not-the-final-word-on-NAChttps://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/regulatory/amazon-confirms-plans-removing-nac-supplementsOn June 9th, 2020, Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotechnology researcher with decades of experience, was indicted by the DOJ for fraud: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related

Charles Lieber received millions of dollars in grant money from the US Department of Defense, specifically the military think tanks DARPA, AFOSR, and ONR, as well as NIH and MITRE:   http://cml.harvard.edu/resources/research-sponsorsHis specialty is the use of silicon nanowires in lieu of patch clamp electrodes to monitor and modulate intracellular activity, something he has been working on at Harvard for the past twenty years:   https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2011/01/virus-sized-transistorsHe was claimed to have been working on silicon nanowire batteries in China, but none of his colleagues can recall him ever having worked on battery technology in his life; all of his research deals with bionanotechnology, or the blending of nanotech with living cells: https://www.science.org/news/2020/02/why-did-chinese-university-hire-charles-lieber-do-battery-researchhttps://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/01/reading-lifes-building-blocks/https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/07/harvard-researchers-present-nanowire-devices-update/The indictment was over his collaboration with the Wuhan University of Technology. He had double-dipped, against the terms of his DOD grants, and taken money from the PRC’s Thousand Talents plan, a program which the Chinese government uses to bribe Western scientists into sharing proprietary R&D information that can be exploited by the PLA for strategic advantage (this risk has been known for a very long time): https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/harvard-university-professor-indicted-false-statement-chargeshttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/06/us/chinas-lavish-funds-lured-us-scientists-what-did-it-get-in-return.htmlhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00291-2https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2019-11-18%20PSI%20Staff%20Report%20-%20China's%20Talent%20Recruitment%20Plans.pdfhttps://www.research.psu.edu/sites/default/files/FBI_Risks_To_Academia.pdfhttps://www.chinacenter.net/2020/china_currents/19-3/scholars-or-spies-u-s-china-tension-in-academic-collaboration/https://www.drdavidzweig.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Zweig-Kang-TTP.pdfCharles Lieber’s own papers describe the use of silicon nanowires for brain-computer interfaces, or “neural lace” technology. His papers describe how neurons can endocytose whole silicon nanowires or parts of them, monitoring and even modulating neuronal activity:

http://cml.harvard.edu/assets/Nanowire-probes-could-drive-high-resolution-brain-machine-interfaces.pdfhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6531316/https://spectrum.ieee.org/human-cells-eat-nanowiresCharles Lieber was a colleague of Robert Langer. Together, along with Daniel S. Kohane, they worked on a paper describing artificial tissue scaffolds that could be implanted in a human heart to monitor its activity remotely: https://www.bostonherald.com/2012/08/29/theyve-got-the-beat-2/https://cml.harvard.edu/assets/Cyborg-tissues_-Merging-engineered-human-tissues-with-bio-compatible-nanoscale-wires.pdfRobert Langer, an MIT alumnus and expert in nanotech drug delivery, is one of the co-founders of Moderna: https://www.modernatx.com/modernas-board-directorsHis net worth is now $5.1 billion USD thanks to Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine sales: https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2020/11/12/mit-scientist-bob-langer-becomes-a -billionaire-thanks-to-moderna-stock-rally/?sh=41c3819a3a90https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2020/11/modernas-stock-rally-makes-bob-langer-a -billionaire/Both Charles Lieber and Robert Langer’s bibliographies describe, essentially, techniques for human enhancement, i.e. transhumanism: http://cml.harvard.edu/https://langerlab.mit.edu/Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and the architect behind the so-called “Great Reset”, has long spoken of the “blending of biology and machinery” in his books: https://invesbrain.com/klaus-schwab-great-reset-will-lead-to-fusion-of-our-physical-digital-biological-identity/https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/598250/shaping-the-future-of-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-by-klaus-schwab-founder-and-executive-chairman-world-economic-forum-with-nicholas-davis/Since these revelations, it has come to the attention of independent researchers that the COVID-19 vaccines (and even some surgical masks) may contain reduced graphene oxide nanoparticles:

https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/08/09/confirmed-graphene-oxide-main-ingredient-in-covid-shots/https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/graphene-oxide-the-vector-for-covid-19-democide/https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/vaccination-vial-analysis-explained.htmlhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41428-020-0350-9https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6141029/https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/masks-early-pulmonary-toxicity-quebec-schools-daycares-1.5966387https://humansarefree.com/2021/04/bombshell-disposable-blue-face-masks-found-to-contain-toxic-asbestos-like-substance-that-destroys-lungs.htmlJapanese researchers have also found unexplained contaminants in COVID-19 vaccines:https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/japan-suspends-1 -6m-doses-moderna-shot-after-contamination-reports-n1277669https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/contaminant-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-vials-found-japan-was-metallic-particles-reporthttps://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/08/27/japan-suspects-contaminant-in-moderna-vaccines-is-metallic-reacts-to-magnets/Graphene oxide is an anxiolytic. It has been shown to reduce the anxiety of laboratory mice when injected into their brains: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142961221001058https://graphene-flagship.eu/graphene/news/soothing-the-symptoms-of-anxiety-with-graphene-oxide/Indeed, given SARS-CoV-2 Spike’s propensity to compromise the blood-brain barrier and increase its permeability, it is the perfect protein for preparing brain tissue for extravasation of nanoparticles from the bloodstream and into the brain:https://www.templehealth.org/about/news/sars-cov-2 -spike-proteins-disrupt-the-blood-brain-barrier-potentially-raising-risk-of-neurological-damage-in-covid-19-patientshttps://www.croiconference.org/abstract/neuromodulatory-effects-of-sars-cov-2-on-the-blood-brain-barrier/

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-75253-9?utm_source=xmol&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=meta&utm_campaign=DDCN_1_GL01_metadata_scirephttps://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.8b02056https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168365916303236Graphene is also highly conductive and, in some circumstances, paramagnetic: https://www.livescience.com/graphene-hides-rare-magnetism.htmlhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0008622319305809https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6474003/https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-19-graphene-based-neuromodulation-technology-is-real-inbrain-neuroelectronics.htmlBRAIN is an acronym for Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies®. This program involves the development of brain-computer interface technologies for the military, particularly non-invasive, injectable systems that cause minimal damage to brain tissue when removed:https://www.darpa.mil/program/our-research/darpa-and-the-brain-initiativeVarious methods have been proposed for achieving this, including optogenetics, magnetogenetics, ultrasound, implanted electrodes, and transcranial electromagnetic stimulation. In all instances, the goal is to obtain read or read-write capability over neurons: https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2019-05-20Wireless brain-computer interfaces may interact with current or future wireless GSM infrastructure, creating neurological data security concerns: https://neuralink.com/https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.htmlhttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2019.00112/fullhttps://www.intechopen.com/chapters/44252https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-03-31/braingate-wirelesshttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-future-brain/202107/ai-and-vr-transform-thoughts-action-wireless-bci

A BCI that is capable of altering the contents of one’s mind would theoretically be capable of altering mood and personality, or perhaps even subjugating someone’s very will, rendering them utterly obedient to authority: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11023-012-9298-7https://privacysos.org/technologies_of_controlmind_reading/BCIs could be used to unscrupulously alter perceptions of basic things such as emotions and values, changing people’s thresholds of satiety, happiness, anger, disgust, and so forth:http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2010/07/11518.htmlhttps://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/brain-machine-interfaces-may-used-study-regulate-mood/https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-019-0488-yFor the wealthy, neural laces would be an unequaled boon, giving them the opportunity to enhance their intelligence with neuroprosthetics (i.e. an “exocortex”): https://www.adforum.com/agency/6664937/press-releases/70226/opinion-the-last-humans-and-the-next-brandshttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6893912The people who rule over us are Dark Triad types who cannot be trusted with such power: https://www.egonzehnder.com/de/insight/can-dark-triad-leaders-be-a-good-choice-for-a-leadership-positionhttps://www.sakkyndig.com/psykologi/artvit/babiak2010.pdfhttps://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/07/the-startling-accuracy-of-referring-to-politicians-as-psychopaths/260517/https://medium.com/world-issues-politics-economics-and-more/the-rise-of-the-psychopath-and-sociopath-to-political-power-b67ef9073477https://fortune.com/2021/06/06/corporate-psychopaths-business-leadership-csr/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-small-business/wp/2016/09/16/gene-marks-21-percent-of-ceos-are-psychopaths-only-21-percent/https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackmccullough/2019/12/09/the-psychopathic-ceo/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy_in_the_workplace

quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2021

O ‘Costismo’ como regime.

Já muita gente escreveu e falou sobre a contradição entre Costa primeiro-ministro e Costa secretário-geral do PS, no que respeita ao encerramento da refinaria da GALP em Matosinhos. Há quem, erradamente, tome isto por política. Mas não é. E o pior não foi ter dito uma coisa hoje e outra ontem. O pior é o conceito que demonstra ter dos poderes do Estado

Quase ninguém, salvo os seus apoiantes indefectíveis, gostou do que António Costa disse sobre a refinaria de Matosinhos. O que era um exemplo, há quatro meses, transformou-se num disparate, numa asneira, numa insensibilidade, numa irresponsabilidade. Tudo isto a precisar de uma ‘lição’ (seja lá o que isso for, além de parecer uma frase digna de um Perón, Salazar, Trump, Bolsonaro ou qualquer outro populista ou totalitário, ou as duas coisas).

Podemos perdoar o calor eleitoral para aceitar que possam existir excessos e frases destas. Mas a verdade é que não há qualquer calor eleitoral; mais – salvo os políticos e os politico-dependentes – quase ninguém se lembra que há eleições no domingo. No entanto, o que Costa disse – e não na parte em que se contradisse – é muito pior do que tem sido analisado; é algo de inimaginável, sobretudo quando passa quase sem reparo.

E o que fez o primeiro-ministro de grave? Apelou a que se desse uma lição à GALP, o que já de si é de bastante mau-gosto, porque nos Estados de Direito não se dá lições. E, não contente com isto, explicou como seria a lição a dar: utilizar todos os mecanismos legais que as leis do ordenamento do território colocam nas mãos do município, para garantir que naqueles terrenos só se fará o que o município de Matosinhos autorizar, e só autorizará o que for para bem do progresso desta região.

Ou seja, o primeiro-ministro colocaria a hipótese de não se aplicar a lei, ou não se fazer o que fosse melhor para o Município, se a GALP se comportasse como ele gosta?

A lei e o melhor para as comunidades só são um imperativo quando se trata de penalizar alguém, seja empresa, sociedade ou pessoa?

As empresas que se portam bem ficam isentas desses contratempos que a lei sempre exige?

As empresas amigas do Governo podem agir de forma privilegiada em relação àquelas que não são tão amigas?

Enfim, há um sem-número de questões que Costa seria obrigado a responder, acaso alguém lhe perguntasse.

Por cima de tudo isto, há ainda, as meias-verdades, que são, obrigatoriamente, meias-mentiras: a GALP não abandonou os terrenos contaminados pela refinaria, e vem tendo reuniões com o Governo e seus representantes bem como com a autarquia, para encontrar uma solução.

Existe, ainda, a meia-mentira de dar a entender que a GALP despediu toda a gente da refinaria, 1500 trabalhadores, quando se sabe que há negociações em curso com parte deles.

Há, também, o cinismo de nada ter dito, nada ter respondido, nada ter ouvido dos representantes dos trabalhadores (que sempre foram contra o fecho da refinaria) para, agora, numa caça ao voto despudorada, vir falar do assunto. Não espanta que todas as organizações de trabalhadores e sindicatos acusassem o secretário-geral do PS e primeiro-ministro de cinismo.

Por último, nesta história, há um problema estrutural enorme que ainda ninguém – nem cá, nem na Europa, nem no mundo – sabe prever e menos resolver: qual o custo económico, mas sobretudo social, da descarbonização? É que a necessidade de o fazer, aliada à progressão da Inteligência Artificial e da robotização, está a criar um mundo diferente. Ter a consciência de que a estes problemas não se responde com fórmulas antiquadas, é absolutamente necessário. Também não foi disso que António Costa falou. Apenas quis mostrar que é uma espécie de dono ou reizinho do país, que põe e dispõe, com o seu famoso PRR, como antes os monarcas distribuíam dinheiro pelos súbditos.

Quem viu o programa de Ricardo Araújo Pereira no domingo passado, além do enorme humor e gozo que disfrutou, sentiu inevitavelmente uma certa vergonha pelo que acontece neste país.

PS - Depois de ter escrito este artigo li, no 'Público' uma explicação de António Costa acerca das suas palavras em Matosinhos. Além de me parecer, um pouco, desculpa de mau pagador, há, pelo menos, uma conclusão: ou o primeiro-ministro caiu em si; ou alguém lhe disse que não podia falar daquele modo. Seja como for, é uma boa notícia.

Henrique Monteiro

Ex-Director; Colaborador Expresso.